Sponsoring MootIEUK20!
This week we sponsored the 2020 UK & Ireland Moodlemoot, taking place online from Monday, September 28th to Wednesday, September 30th. We were disappointed not to be welcoming everyone to sunny Dublin, but adapted to the new hybrid-online event.

We were delighted to attend the first online UK & Ireland Moodlemoot as a platinum sponsor. As a sponsor, we had a blog post published on the moodlemoot website and a promotional video featuring Karen, our co-founder and CPO. Check them out!
We had lots of fun over the three days, taking part in workshops, open mics and panels. Brickfield presented three pre-recorded sessions, which were available as on-demand presentations.
Our Presentations
Making Badge Awarding Easier!
This presentation was to share our improvements to badge awarding workflows that we have researched and implemented for clients. Karen and Laia discussed the one-click button report for teachers to award course badges and site badges if given custom capabilities.
The relativity of some WCAG accessibility standards – they’re not always purely black and white (contrast)!
In this session, Karen shared some of our research and understanding of the range of WCAG standards and their implementation. While some standards are straight-forward and simple, such as replacing bold tags with strong tags, others can be more subjective and require further deliberation on how to best display the relevant HTML.
Top Tips for accessible Content
This was a poster which shared some of our most essential and impacting tips for creating accessible content. Based on WCAG2.1 standards and industry best practice, we hope these tips will encourage all digital content creators and users to be mindful of the benefits of using these standards during their content creation process. You can check them out here.
We hosted a workshop!
We hosted an accessibility workshop on Day 1 of MootIEUK. This workshop was made up of four 90 minute sessions: Accessibility Introduction, Document Accessibility, Media Accessibility and Web Accessibility and was hosted by Brickfield founders’ Karen Holland and Gavin Henrick.
We also featured in a “Meet the Expert/Q&A Session”.
On Day 3, Gavin joined a live webinar session to answer questions on accessibility. He explained the first steps for improving accessibility on Moodle courses and encouraged attendees to share their experiences for enhancing accessibility on their Moodle sites. Did you attend MootIEUK? Want to rewatch Gavin’s session? Find it here (you must be registered on the MootIEUK platform to access this recording).
Have a look at some of the tweets mentioning Brickfield over the 3 days:

Overall, we had great feedback from our virtual sponsor booth and look forward to returning next year for MootIEUK21.
Karen, Gavin and the Team