Events in March 2025
3rd March 2025 (2 events)
3rd March 2025Esta sesiรณn de formaciรณn estรก disponible para el personal de las instituciones cliente.La formaciรณn cubrirรก los aspectos bรกsicos del uso del Kit de Accesibilidad por parte del profesorado y del personal de administraciรณn y servicios incluyendo:
- anรกlisis,
- informes,
- asistentes para reparar contenido,
- formatos de contenido alternativos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
3rd March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- analysis,
- reports,
- content fix wizards,
- alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register4th March 2025 (2 events)
4th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- analysis,
- reports,
- content fix wizards,
- alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
4th March 2025Providing foundational knowledge in disabilities and digital accessibility helps build momentum in the accessibility project and provides the foundational knowledge about why something is needed. The workshop introduces the following concepts:
- Disability and accessibility concepts.
- Permanent. Temporary & Situational scenariosโ.
- The broad usefulness of accessible content.
- The concept of personas.
- Examples of approaches in guidance provision.
- A look at accessibility in general for LMS.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register5th March 2025 (1 event)
5th March 2025Providing foundational knowledge in disabilities and digital accessibility helps build momentum in the accessibility project and provides the foundational knowledge about why something is needed. The workshop introduces the following concepts:
- Disability and accessibility concepts.
- Permanent, Temporary & Situational scenariosโ.
- The broad usefulness of accessible content.
- The concept of personas.
- Examples of approaches in guidance provision.
- A look at accessibility in general for LMS.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register6th March 2025 (1 event)
6th March 2025El objetivo de este taller es proporcionar conocimientos bรกsicos sobre discapacidad y accesibilidad digital ayuda a impulsar el proyecto de accesibilidad y a saber por quรฉ se necesita, asรญ como su importancia. El taller trata los siguientes aspectos:
- Conceptos de discapacidad y accesibilidad.
- Escenarios permanentes. temporales y situacionales.
- La amplia utilidad de los contenidos accesibles.
- El concepto de personas.
- Una mirada a la accesibilidad en general para los LMS.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
Register10th March 2025 (2 events)
10th March 2025La formaciรณn cubrirรก los aspectos bรกsicos del uso del Kit de Accesibilidad por parte del profesorado y del personal de administraciรณn y servicios incluyendo:
- Anรกlisis.
- Informes.
- Asistentes para reparar contenido.
- Formatos de contenido alternativos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
10th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers including:
- analysis,
- reports,
- content fix wizards,
- alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register11th March 2025 (2 events)
11th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
11th March 2025Taking the concepts of digital accessibility and applying this specifically to building web content is important. These guidelines apply as much to content built in courses in Moodle and other LMSs as to content built in websites like WordPress. This virtual workshop includes:
- A sample set of personas and examination of the issues they face on the web.
- Recap on key accessibility aspects in content.
- A look at Atto and TinyMCE content editors.
- Key considerations when building Images, Layout, Links, Multimedia, Tables, and Text type content.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register12th March 2025 (1 event)
12th March 2025Taking the concepts of digital accessibility and applying this specifically to building web content is important. These guidelines apply as much to content built in courses in Moodle and other LMSs as to content built in websites like WordPress. This virtual workshop includes:
- A sample set of personas and examination of the issues they face on the web.
- Recap on key accessibility aspects in content.
- A look at Atto and TinyMCE content editors.
- Key considerations when building Images, Layout, Links, Multimedia, Tables, and Text type content.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register13th March 2025 (1 event)
13th March 2025Es importante tomar los conceptos de accesibilidad digital y aplicarlos especรญficamente a la creaciรณn de contenido web. Estas pautas se aplican tanto al contenido creado en los cursos en online como al contenido creado en sitios web como WordPress. Este taller virtual incluye:
- Un conjunto de muestras de personas y un examen de los problemas a los que se enfrentan en la web.
- Resumen de los aspectos clave de accesibilidad en el contenido.
- Repaso al editor de contenido Atto/Tiny MCE.
- Consideraciones clave al crear imรกgenes, diseรฑo, enlaces, multimedia, tablas y contenido de tipo texto.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
Register17th March 2025 (2 events)
17th March 2025La formaciรณn cubrirรก los aspectos bรกsicos del uso del Kit de Accesibilidad por parte del profesorado y del personal de administraciรณn y servicios, incluyendo:
- Anรกlisis.
- Informes.
- Asistentes para reparar contenido.
- Formatos de contenido alternativos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
17th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register18th March 2025 (2 events)
18th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
18th March 2025Much of the content we create now involves multi-media, Videos, Podcasts, Audio files and images. This workshop brings attendees through the different considerations when creating the different media types, including:
- Introduction to a set of personas and examination of the issues they face using media.
- A look at different types of images and how to approach ensuring their use is accessible to all.
- A look at audio and video and how video can be added to online courses.
- First steps with Captions and different ways to create them.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register19th March 2025 (1 event)
19th March 2025Much of the content we create now involves multi-media, Videos, Podcasts, Audio files and images. This workshop brings attendees through the different considerations when creating the different media types, including:
- Introduction to a set of personas and examination of the issues they face using media.
- A look at different types of images and how to approach ensuring their use is accessible to all.
- A look at audio and video and how video can be added to online courses.
- First steps with Captions and different ways to create them.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register20th March 2025 (1 event)
20th March 2025Gran parte del contenido que creamos ahora involucra multimedia, Vรญdeos, Podcasts, Archivos de audio e imรกgenes. Este taller presenta a los asistentes a travรฉs de las diferentes consideraciones al crear los diferentes tipos de medios, incluyendo:
- Introducciรณn a un conjunto de personas y examen de los problemas a los que se enfrentan al utilizar distintos medios.
- Revisiรณn de los diferentes tipos de imรกgenes y cรณmo garantizar que su uso sea accesible para todos.
- Breve introducciรณn al audio y video y cรณmo se puede agregar video a los cursos online.
- Primeros pasos con los subtรญtulos y diferentes formas de crearlos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
Register24th March 2025 (2 events)
24th March 2025La formaciรณn cubrirรก los aspectos bรกsicos del uso del Kit de Accesibilidad por parte del profesorado y del personal de administraciรณn y servicios, incluyendo:
- Anรกlisis.
- Informes.
- Asistentes para reparar contenido.
- Formatos de contenido alternativos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
24th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register25th March 2025 (2 events)
25th March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
25th March 2025A lot of material created by academic staff and provided to and used by students in online courses tend to be either MS Office documents (Word Document. Excel Spreadsheets. PowerPoint Presentations) or PDF files โ which are often printed or exported versions of the office documents. This session will look at MS Word and PowerPoint (or Google Docs and Google Slides) and how to create better new documents and improve existing documents to provide a better experience for all users. We will also look at some of the other features available in Office 365 (or Google) for users.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register26th March 2025 (1 event)
26th March 2025A lot of material created by academic staff and provided to and used by students in online courses tend to be either MS Office documents (Word Document, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations) or PDF files โ which are often printed or exported versions of the office documents. This session will look at MS Word and PowerPoint (or Google Docs and Google Slides) and how to create better new documents and improve existing documents to provide a better experience for all users. We will also look at some of the other features available in Office 365 (or Google) for users.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.
Register27th March 2025 (1 event)
27th March 2025Gran parte del material creado por el personal acadรฉmico y proporcionado y utilizado por los estudiantes en los cursos en lรญnea tiende a ser documentos de MS Office (documento de Word, hojas de cรกlculo de Excel, presentaciones de PowerPoint) o archivos PDF, que a menudo son versiones impresas o exportadas de los documentos de Office.
Esta sesiรณn analizarรก MS Word y PowerPoint (o Google Docs y Google Slides) y cรณmo crear mejores documentos nuevos y mejorar los documentos existentes para brindar una mejor experiencia a todos los usuarios.
Tambiรฉn veremos algunas de las otras caracterรญsticas disponibles en Office 365 (o Google) para los usuarios.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
Register31st March 2025 (2 events)
31st March 2025La formaciรณn cubrirรก los aspectos bรกsicos del uso del Kit de Accesibilidad por parte del profesorado y del personal de administraciรณn y servicios incluyendo:
- Anรกlisis.
- Informes.
- Asistentes para reparar contenido.
- Formatos de contenido alternativos.
Este evento es solo para suscriptores del Kit de Accesibilidad de Brickfield. No se admitirรกn registros de otros usuarios.
31st March 2025The training will cover the basics of the Toolkit usage by faculty and teachers, including:
- Analysis.
- Reports.
- Content fix wizards.
- Alternate content formats.
This event is only for Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit subscribers. Other registrations will be ignored.